Photo taken by Kami Shaw Photography


Hello!  I'm so glad you stopped by!  My name is Amy Fisher.  I am a momma to three beautiful babies (I can call them my babies forever, right?), a wife to a wonderful husband, and a teacher who decided to become a photographer.  While at home with my kids after a seven year teaching career, I got the crazy idea to turn one of my favorite hobbies into a profession and thus This Savored Life was born.  It was born out of a desperate desire to slow down time, to capture the things that are often forgotten - even the things that I never thought I'd forget and inevitably did.  That's one of many reasons why I'm drawn to photography - it freezes time forever.  It allows me to slow down and savor, and it has taught me to look for the moments I want to remember, even in the midst of sheer chaos.  It documents a season of life that ushers in all the other things - the way my son said a particular word, the impossible hair my daughter sported when she was an infant due to the eighty-seven cowlicks the poor girl has, and the list continues.  But that's what I want to do for you - to capture, to freeze, and to allow you to relive that season forever.  And together, let's help each other to hunt for the moments in each day that are worth savoring.